Inside Hitler’s 10 secret plans that failed to work in Nazi’s bid to conquer the world

By Joseph Gamp

Third Reich was known for it’s stranglehold over  Germany, as the Nazi’s looked to storm Europe and eventually the world.


The deranged dictator had secret programmes that developed a range of weapons, spies and other machines in a bid to conquer the globe and destroy the allied forces of the UK and US. Many of his plans – such as the  Nazis’ secret list of nearly 3,000 prominent Britons they intended to  round up had they invaded the UK

– have been revealed since the evil dictator shot himself in a secret Berlin bunker April 30, 1945.

However, some of the Third Reich’s secret ambitions stretched far beyond reason, with plans to invade Ireland and even divide the continent of South America into four Nazi-controlled enclaves. But here, we reveal 10 hard-to-believe, extravagant Nazi plans that ended up failing – due to complications, poor planning, overall ridiculousness and, in some cases, intervention from global superpowers.

Hitler planned to invade Ireland and even divide the continent of South America into four Nazi-controlled enclaves

The Nazis reportedly tried to control the minds of their people using television – known these days as propaganda. Hitler planned on using a primitive form of reality shows depicting ideal Aryan families and even live executions of war criminals, all broadcast to monitors stationed in public locations across the country. Fortunately, this plan was cut-off by the Axis losing the war.

The Nazis reportedly dosed their own soldiers with a powerful cocktail of hard drugs, containing cocaine, amphetamines, morphine and more, all coated in a delicate layer of chocolate or candy. During tests, they noted how some drugs allowed for superhuman strength and endurance – but their efforts were cut short when the Allies intervened in Germany.

The Nazis believed in a lot of insane ideas and theories, chief among them the ability to use the Occult as a weapon. While many top-ranking Nazi officials dipped their toes into the Black Magic pool, the weirdest cases involve Wilhelm Gutberlet, a medical

doctor who

could supposedly sense the presence of Jewish people, and Ludwig Straniiak, an architect, who claimed to be able to sense enemy battle ships. Unsurprisingly, all of this turned out to be complete bullsh*t.

Hitler even planned to kidnap the Pope after the Vatican started speaking openly against Hitler in 1943

The Nazis were always trying to come up with crazy technology that would give them the upper hand in the second World War, and beyond. From giant mirrors in space that would harness the sun’s power to the giant cannon on wheels pictured above,

their plans were decidedly huge

and almost always too impractical to work.

According to the book   German Colonialism, the Fuhrer commissioned a joint team of zoologists and bio-engineers to try to recreate an extinct animal called an  auroch, a cattle-like creature approximately the size of a hippo with a horrible mean streak to boot. It’s unclear why they wanted to bring these animals back. But it probably had to do with assorted war crimes, and not an effort to make the juiciest hamburger in Hamburg.

Hitler planned to kidnap the Pope after the Vatican started speaking openly against Hitler in 1943. The dictator decided to set up a  clandestine faction, planted inside Vatican City, that would take down the Papal structure from the inside out. Fortunately, one of the inside men alerted Italian officials, and the whole plot was exposed.

Hitler had a master plan to invade the United States from within, crippling infrastructure behind the war effort and demoralising the American people in the process.


Operation Pastoriusinvolved destroying train tracks in western Pennsylvania (to cut the supply of steel), the hydroelectric plant in Niagara falls, aluminium manufacturing plants in New York, Illinois, and Tennessee, and more direct attacks on train stations, bridges, and manufacturing plants across the nation.

The Nazis  were always trying to come up with crazy technology that would give them the upper hand in WW2

The Nazi’s planned on outright banning  Christmasin Germany according to historian William Vinson’s

book on Christmas oddities

. But after the festive period proved too popular among the citizens, they decided instead to try and create a new holiday. They changed the holiday to a “Winter Solstice” celebration at first, swapping Christmas trees for Swastikas, and Jesus for Hitler.

Nazi officials spread an army of blonde spies across Europe and North America – and they were equipped with poison cigarettes, pocketbooks filled with poison, and a cigarette lighte

r that could shoot poison pellets. The aim was to assassinate high-ranking leaders and politicians from enemy countries. But many of the femme fatales were exposed during the process.

Alongside their occult-obsessions, many historians claim the Nazis were actively seeking relics like the Holy Grail in order to harness their supposed godlike power and use it to take over the world. An example of this was immortalised in the Harrison Ford Hollywood blockbuster Raiders of the Lost Ark.


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